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Learn how you can expand your thought horizon and learn from Frequently Asked Questions of Home Buyers and Home Sellers

1-2-3 Credit & Me: Learn how you can Stabilize, Improve & Maintain your credit throughout your lifetime (Part of the Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books Book 6) by THOMAS (TJ) UNDERWOOD  | Sold by: Services LLC | Oct 19, 2020, updated Summer 2023

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Purchase HOME SELLER 411 The Smart Guide to Selling Your Home ©2014, 2023
Learn what is inside "The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Credit & Finances"©2014, 2023

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Q: You seem to write in a different or inspiring writing style—how did your writing style come about?

A: Basically, I decide on a topic that I feel can benefit consumers in a real and meaningful way—write about that topic based on my experiences with past and present clients as well as my own experiences and I then try to refine it to the highest level possible based on the inspiration that I receive at that particular time.

It often results in highly original one of a kind content that cannot be duplicated. On many occasions I don't even know where my thoughts will take me as I try to "suspend" my intellect. However, if my thoughts and inspiration drift away from the topic I edit my writing down so that it gets back on topic.

My goal is to offer consumers something that is of high value and can really move them forward in their life—whether it be in their credit, financial or real estate transactions.

In the case of my book writing I go even further as I will edit my writing down on several occasions and then try to improve the content as much as possible so that it is the absolute best way (in my opinion) that I can express what I am trying to convey!

Q: In your opinion what is the outlook for the Atlanta housing market?

A: Those who live in Atlanta are very fortunate to a degree. Even though the unemployment rate is high—despite the diversified workplace—Atlanta is still a great place to live.

The quality of life is superb for those who are currently gainfully employed, housing choices are vast, and housing prices are starting to stabilize in many areas of metro Atlanta.

However, I expect the Atlanta market to be slow until at least 2013.

I look for home prices to have a slow gain for 2010-2012 because the housing decline in Atlanta in many areas was so substantial and the current economic environment is not favorable to home purchase in general.

When you combine that with the job losses and decline in consumer confidence it is easy to conclude that the rebound will be slow in many areas of Atlanta.

Some areas of Atlanta was not affected as much as others, so the specific area you are considering is a key component of the question that you ask.

In general, however expect a slow recovery even though there are occasional signs of market improvement in Atlanta.

Q:  Do you have a donate button?  "It's a shame you don't have a donate button!  I'd most certainly donate to this outstanding blog!  Your other blogs are beautifully written as well.

I guess for now I will settle for book-marking and adding your RSS feed to my Google account.  I look forward to brand new updates and will talk about your sites with my Facebook group.  Chat soon!"

A: We do not accept donations on this site or any of our sites.  The goal of this site and our other sites is to spread powerful credit, finance and real estate advice to those who truly desire success in their wealth building future.

If you have a need for our products you can purchase a product, however if you can navigate this and our other sites and attain the success that you desire without doing so, that is fine by us.

In addition, we don't recommend that you purchase our products for others as the desire and motivation for achieving major success must come from inside of the person who desires success. 

Over the years we have found that if you do not desire success for yourself—you (or others) won't obtain the maximum benefit from our products when received as a gift.

Q: "Hi there would you mind letting me know which web host you're using? I've loaded your blog on my browsers and I must say this blog loads a lot faster than most."

Can you also recommend a good internet hosting provider at a fair price?

Thank you, I appreciate it!

A: For those of you who prefer a step-by-step approach—as was the case when I started my first websites and blogs you can utilize SBI (Solo Build It) to get started fast.  Be sure that  you are highly motivated and you desire real success as SBI will provide you the tools that are needed to help you achieve major success—just as I did with the creation of two of the most empowering consumer sites that can be found on the internet:


1) and

2), the site that you are currently on


It is important that you have the time commitment that is necessary if you decide to pursue this approach as there is a learning curve involved.

On my most recent site TheWealthIncreaser.comI use Award Winning Web Hosting By DreamHost, However there are many others that you might want to consider:  WordPress Hosting by Bluehost, Unlimited Domain Hosting Only $9.95 a Month offered by Hostgator—particularly effective if you are considering creating a number of sites or blogs.


You can also choose to use the above sites for registering your domain or you can use them for hosting only.  Several reliable and low cost domain registration companies include: where you can now Save 15% On New Domain Registrations. Use Promo Code: AFFNEW At Checkout!, Go Daddy Bulk Domain Registration at and you can choose a Do-It-Myself Website with use code WOW15OFF and save 15% off cart at checkout!



If you prefer wordpress and would like a helpful assistant—bizexpress by SBI can be a helpful tool.  By utilizing bizexpress you could possibly save time and also create a great looking website that does what you want it to do.


Q:  We are hearing about tough times in the housing industry. With the $8000 home buyer credit in place is now the right time to buy a home?

A: Only if you are properly prepared to purchase. If you are a first-time buyer with good credit and money saved for a down payment and have a well established emergency fund or have other compensating factors now is a fantastic time to buy.

Be aware that the credit is scheduled to end on April 30th, 2010 so if you do not have a contract on a property by that date you more than likely will not qualify for the credit.

On the other hand if you have questionable credit, unstable job prospects, insufficient down payment, insufficient emergency fund and outstanding debt at an unacceptable level now may not be the best time for you to purchase a home.

Q:  On your home page I noticed you created another website!  What led you to create—you already have two websites and two blogs?


A: The inspiration to create occurred  in January of 2014 during the infamous “snowjam” that backed-up traffic on the freeways in Atlanta for hours and in many cases overnight for some unfortunate drivers.

Even though my delay was only several hours—the delay provided the inspiration for the thoughts to create a website that would directly assist consumers in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner to materialize.  was formulated on the premise that consumers need good input (knowledge) on a regular basis on the front-end (proactively) if they are to reach their highest potential when managing and improving their credit and finances.

If you are one who has the determination and commitment that is required to reach your future goals—or you desire to gain those important qualities you must start the process by doing a self-evaluation (you must know what you really desire in your life) so that you can constantly grow.  was designed with you in mind and the goal is to provide you with powerful knowledge that you can utilize effectively to help you be the best “you” that you can be as you move forward in your credit, finance or any other life pursuits that you may have. is for those who are interested in asking the right questions and getting the right answers.  The site is available for those who desire clarity and direction as they journey towards improving their credit and finances. 

The site is part cheerleader (designed to encourage, motivate and inspire you to do all that you can do) and is designed to create a desire and thirst in you to understand and apply credit and financial management systems and approaches that serve your best interest—not creditors and others.

The site provides you the ability to put what you learn into practice and further provides you the ability to transform your and your family’s finances for generations by providing you the focus that you need to succeed.

It is important that you realize that your current circumstances are only temporary and not the way that it has to be in your and your family's future! 

By frequenting  on a consistent basis you will soon realize that you can push harder than you are currently pushing—you can reach higher than you are currently reaching and you will not only know that you are capable of accomplishing much more during your lifetime—you will actually start on a positive path to doing just that!


Q: You mention "compensating factors" quite often on this site. What are they and what is the importance as it relates to real estate?

A: Compensating factors are factors that offset another factor. For example you may not have a six month emergency fund in which I highly recommend prior to purchasing your first home, but you do have a one month emergency fund and a housing and debt ratio of 20% which is considered low.

The "lower your housing and debt ratio" the better—as it indicates that you have more money left over on a monthly basis for the enjoyments of life and saving for your future goals.

Because you have high discretionary income (income left over after housing and other expenses have been paid) you should be able to accumulate a six month emergency fund rather quickly.

The high discretionary income compensates or counterbalances the lack of a six month emergency fund. Even so you must be disciplined and determined to save the discretionary income to get the six month emergency fund.

If you are a high spender and not a natural saver and you foresee difficulty saving for an emergency fund this may be a bad strategy for you.

Other compensating factors include an upcoming bonus or windfall, inheritance, settlement, or other means of accumulating cash.

Social Security, Pension and other income in addition to your home qualifying income could also possibly be considered compensating factors if they are not used in your front (housing) and back (housing plus your debts) end ratios.

Q: What are your tips for home buying and selling in today’s market?


A: Home Buyers should go into their potential home purchase with all of their financial data known up front.

As a potential home buyer you should have a properly funded emergency fund, a down payment and a fundamental understanding of the home buying process at the very least.

You should also know how much discretionary income you will have after making your monthly housing payment and after paying all of your monthly bills.

By knowing all of this on the front end "prior to purchase" it can provide the needed information to help you decide if a home purchase is truly in your best interest.

In addition, by knowing this information on the front end you can make decisions that are good for you and your family.

By making decisions that are good for you and your family you can enjoy life more by knowing what you can and can't do financially on the front end—therefore greatly reducing homeowner disappointment in the future.

Many home buyers are now utilizing Home Buyer 411the Smart Guide to Buying Your Hometo help them make decisions that are good for themselves and their family.


A: It is imperative that your home is in top selling condition from curb appeal (lawn, exterior) to fresh paint and clutter free interior—see home buyer and home seller success tips page for a more comprehensive list of to-dos.

The competition now is fierce as those who are selling have homes in move-in condition with minimal or no repairs needed.

Curb Appeal (How your property looks upon arrival) is crucial as many buyer's make the decision as to whether they want to view the inside based on the appearance of the outside.

In addition, you too should be in a strong financial position as a result of the potential sale unless you find yourself in a distressed or other unfavorable situation.

Many home sellers are now utilizing Home Seller 411the Smart Guide to Selling Your Home to help them get in a strong financial position and make decisions that are good for themselves and their family.

Q: What are some common problems that home buyers and home sellers face when they purchase a home when they are not properly prepared to purchase a home?

A: When you are not properly prepared you risk putting yourself in a deeper financial hole. An inadequate emergency fund could force you to use credit to purchase a new HVAC (Heating and Air) system.

A sudden layoff could force you to lose your house if you don't have alternate means to make the payment.

These are just a few of life's mishaps that occur daily. I'm sure you can think of many others. Over the years I have seen hundreds of scenarios play out in real life.

The key is to do all that you can do "upfront" or "proactively" to minimize unpleasant future surprises.

Q: Why do you recommend that a potential homeowner pull their own credit report? Can’t the lender pull it and I not have to deal with it.

A: Sure the lender can pull your report and give you helpful advice. However as a consumer in control of your own life you should pull your credit report at least annually if not more frequently.

You should know what is in your report and correct inadequate or damaging information on a constant basis.

You should also know your credit score before contacting a lender. By doing the above you increase the likelihood of successful "pre-approval" which gives you more negotiating power than a "pre-qualification."

In addition your credit score takes a hit (goes down) whenever your score is pulled by someone other than yourself (with a few exceptions).

Q: Over the years I have found great value in your websites—what led you to create this website?


A: First and foremost it is important that you realize that prior to creating this website and our companion and writing my first book—I had not written “anything over 500 words” in over 20 years.

I basically operated at the same level as most consumers until I made a real decision to take direct action in all of my endeavors.  I also made the decision to cultivate the habits of success to a higher level in my life in a sincere manner.

By doing so I was able to “dream big” and my mind was open to receiving and acting on the powerful inspiration that entered my mind and heart to bring you what we believe are the two most empowering sites ever created that are designed for your success.

By doing so I was able to excel at  a high level and provide consumers the critical credit, finance, and real estate advice that they not only need to know—but deserve to know! 

By making a real commitment to do my best at all times and in all of my endeavors the inspiration to create these sites came forth in a powerful manner. 

On this site you will receive unbiased credit, finance, and real estate advice that is relevant to your and your family's life at this time that can help you improve your credit and finance management skills to a very high level—in a much more efficient manner, if that is what you really desire!

It is our opinion that this site along with our companion site are the most powerful ever created that are designed for your success in your credit, finance, and real estate pursuits.  

However, it is important that you realize that potential bias exists on our end.  Be sure to search the web exhaustively and come to your own conclusion!

Furthermore, I decided to create this site when I realized fully that you only come this way (planet earth) “once” as far as we know and with the untimely transition of my younger brother I know in a real way that your time on earth is limited and you must take “action” and give it your best in all that you do—and at all times!

In addition, we believe that our new book provides you a smarter, more cost effective, time efficient and easier to follow approach that is designed for your credit and financial success in a comprehensive manner than any book that can be found in personal finance!

Did you know that you have authority or control over the decisions that affect you and your family and you have the ability to guide your future in the direction that you choose? 

How are you going to manage and improve your credit and finances and life in this day and age?   It is important that you make the decision to review this site 
and our companion site and see if you can move yourself and your family forward in an effective manner!

For more on what led to the creation of this site go to the “About the Broker Page” and Frequently Asked Questions about New Book Page!

Q: What is the difference between a buyer's market and a sellers market? My agent stated that we are in a buyer's market in my area but he didn't fully explain it.

A: In general in the Atlanta area and most metro areas of the United States a three to six month supply of homes on the market indicates a normal market. Two months or less is seen as a seller’s market, and more than six months is a buyer’s market.

For a more detailed explanation go to the home buyer's market versus home seller's market page.

Q: What Is The Complete Home Buying Process In Your Opinion?

A: It starts with preliminary home buyer pre-qualification to post-closing in my opinion and based on the way our company operates.

A professional real estate agent should be concerned with more than just your ability to purchase a home—they should also be concerned with your ability to maintain and keep your new home.

Therefore, “preliminary pre-qualification” is a vital step. Don’t skip this step, many homeowners have skipped this step in the past to their own peril (loss of house, financial difficulty etc.).

The home buying process begins well before you decide to place an offer on a home.

For a more in-depth discussion of the homebuying process clik here.

Q: What are your tips for home seller's in today’s market?

A: It is imperative that your home is in top selling condition from curb appeal (lawn, exterior) to fresh paint and clutter free interior—see home buyer and seller success tips link for a more comprehensive list of to-dos.

The competition now is fierce as those who are selling have homes in move-in condition with minimal or no repairs needed.

Curb Appeal (How your property looks upon arrival) is crucial as many buyer's make the decision as to whether they want to view the inside based on the appearance of the outside.

Depending on your neighborhood and and selling price the staging of your home by a professional stager may be a worthwhile investment.

Q: Are there down payment assistance programs available in the Atlanta area?

A: There are a number of programs available at the Federal, State, and Local level and many of the programs change frequently. Log on to the following link to learn more.

Down Payment Assistance in Georgia

About Frequently Asked Questions:


The above frequently asked questions were answered by Thomas (TJ) Underwood.   Thomas (TJ) Underwood is an active real estate broker in the state of Georgia and is the writer behind The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411,  Home Seller 411, The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—FREE GUIDE. 

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner.  He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. 

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page. 

You can also get other highly relevant tips on "living your life more abundantly" and possibly earn revenue at the same time by linking to

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Thomas (TJ) Underwood has been providing financial advice as a tax practitioner since the mid 1980’s and began his financial planning career (while earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration/Finance/Marketing), in Detroit at Wayne State University.  From 2010 up to the present he continues to provide visitors timely personal finance and wealth building advice and articles—including real estate advice—on 3 sites that he has created since 2010. 

Even though he is an active real estate Broker in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, he continues to blog consistently to help visitors and those who desire lasting financial and life changing success the opportunity to change their life for the better in a more efficient way. 

You can learn more about him and gain access to all three sites that he has created by going to Who is the creator of page.

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