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All About Peachtree City Villages
Learn All About Aberdeen, Braelinn, Glenloch, Industrial, Kedron and Wilksmoor Village in Peachtree City, Georgia

1-2-3 Credit & Me: Learn how you can Stabilize, Improve & Maintain your credit throughout your lifetime (Part of the Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books Book 6) by THOMAS (TJ) UNDERWOOD  | Sold by: Services LLC | Oct 19, 2020, updated Summer 2023

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Learn More About Peachtree City & How The City Started Out...

Peachtree City, Georgia

Peachtree City, Georgia breaks the top 50 in hottest zip codes in the current real estate market

Peachtree City is a relatively young city (incorporated in 1959) and has seen steady growth over the years. It now has a population approaching 35,000 residents. Most residential areas in Peachtree City are built out.

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There are only a few lots that are undeveloped in Peachtree City. There are however, large tracts of land that is suitable for building but much of it is designated as greenbelt/open space which means the property would have to be rezoned in order for new building to be considered. 

There are also large tracts of land just outside of Peachtree City that appear suitable for building—however the land would have to be annexed by the city in order for development to occur within the city limits of Peachtree City!

One of the more desirable amenities in Peachtree City is the golf cart path system that has almost 90 miles of paved surface so that residents and visitors can move about the various areas without having to utilize a car.

Pinewood ForrestA Visionary Eye-Popping New Development is Set for Pinewood Atlanta Studios Area of Fayette County just minutes from Peachtree City

Golf Cart Supplies & Companies:

You may be able to find more competitive prices on Golf Cars and accessories by searching around.  eBay and have some of the most competitive prices on many golf car accessories—that you may need!

For example, my motherboard on my E-Z-Go II Battery Charger —went out—and instead of paying several hundred dollars to repair it locally—or purchase a new charger ($500-$600 locally—I purchased a new charger on eBay for slightly less than $300. 

It has an 18 month warranty and is very quiet compared to my EZ-Go II Battery Charger—and it has worked great (had it for 2 months at the time of this writing).

Peachtree City,  Golf-Cars Inc. (770-631-2950)

Golf Rider Inc. (770-632-7515)

Bulldog Supply (770-487-8750)

John's Golf Car Service (770-487-1092)

3Guys Golfcarts (678-992-4000)

Kari's Kart Accessories (770-316-3189)

Golf Cart Accessories & Seat Covers

Bicycles, pedestrians, skaters and joggers also use the path system as well.  Green Open Space is abundant which along with the village concept gives the community a resort type feel.

Recreational facilities are abundant in Peachtree City and you can see people of all ages participating in various physical activity. From golf to fishing to plain old walking you are sure to see some physical activity going on.

Assisted Living In Peachtree City...

Peachtree City also has good fire and emergency response, a low crime rate, and a relatively well maintained greenbelt and open space area. Lake Peachtree (no gas powered boats allowed unless your house is near the lake) and Lake Kedron (no gas boats period) provides a relaxing and beautiful natural area.

Lake McIntosh near the Falcon Field Airport is now open (Summer 2013) after several years of construction—which will not only help meet the water needs of Peachtree City and Fayette County for years to come, but will also add to the beauty of the City—and provide additional areas for recreational activity.

Peachtree City offers subdivisions on varying topography from rolling to flat.  Peachtree City is approximately 800 plus feet (740 to 961 feet depending on where you are at) above sea level.

In contrast nearby Atlanta (approximately 45 minute drive to the North when traffic is moving) which lies at the foothills of the Appalacian Mountains is at approximately 1,050  feet above sea levelmeaning Peachtree City lies at a lower elevationthan Atlanta.

Many of the subdivisions in Peachtree City are built around golf courses, lakes and open green space which tends to provide a relaxing environment for those who desire that type of living.

Activities for those of all ages are available so be sure to check with the recreational department so that you can be aware of all offerings that are available in the various villages (from team sports for kids, teens and adults to leisure activities for kids, teens and adults). All of the villages have at least one tot lot (play area for kids age 2-7) and most villages have 2 or 3 tot lots.

It is no wonder that with all of the activities in Peachtree City(Peachtree City is the largest City in Fayette County)—Fayette County was named the healthiest County in the State of Georgia by the University of Wisconsin's Population Health Institute for 2009 and 2010.

The factors analyzed are death rates, high school graduation rates, access to healthier foods, air pollution levels, income, smoking, obesity and teen births among others.

Family Circle magazine has also named Peachtree City as the second best family town in America in 2011. The top factors considered were "top-notch schools, affordable housing, green space and giving spirit" according to the Family Circle web site.

Hotels in Peachtree City:

There are 7 hotels located in Peachtree City and they are as follows:

Dolce Hotels & Resorts (770-487-2666) —Aberdeen Village

Hilton Garden Inn (678-827-8400)—Aberdeen Village

Hampton Inn (770-486-8800) —Aberdeen Village

Best Western Peachtree City Inn & Suites (770-632-9700)—Braelinn Village

Wyndham Hotel & Conference Center (770-487-2000)—Glenloch Village

Holiday Inn—Kedron Village (770-487-4646)

Sleep Inn—Wilksmoor Village (770-486-0044)

Night Life in Peachtree City:

Night Life in Peachtree City is fairly limited with "The Fred Outdoor Amphitheater" serving as the major concert venue—seating 2,000—3,000 and a limited number of other venues that provide entertainment.

The major player's in Peachtree City include "The Shrimp Factory," Big Daddy's Oyster Bar, Azul Tequila and Tavern on 74.  Other adult and family establishments include El Ranchero Mexican Restaurant—2 locations, Mike & C's Family Sports Grill, Grinds & Wines, Mellow Mushroom, Taco Mac, Smoky Bones, Beef O'Brady's and a few others.

If you truly enjoy the night life— Atlanta and other surrounding communities may be your best choice. Be sure to do your entertaining properly and use a designated driver as Peachtree City and most Georgia communities do not tolerate impaired drivers in their communities.

However, if raising a family in a family oriented community where you can give your kids a great chance at success is one of your primary goals Peachtree City is a great community. The schools, library, parks and other community perks are top notch.

Do your research wisely, and at the end we are sure that you will enjoy the benefits of living in this beautiful area.


Overwhelmingly conservative, however you can find diversity of opinion in the various villages on many issues. 

Peachtree City is a community that is set up under the “Village” concept. There are five residential (5) villages in Peachtree City—and one industrial village—and they are:





Wilksmoor (Commonly Called The West Village) 


The Industrial area is not a residential village, however it too was developed under the village concept—with all industry concentrated in one particular area (village).

If you are considering moving to this beautiful area, are passing through or visiting—you can find out more about the Peachtree City Villages by clicking on to the links above.

If you are a current resident of Peachtree City—you too will find helpful, practical information that will help you enhance your living experience in this beautiful city if you live in one of the Villages of Peachtree City. 

What You Should Know If You Are considering Moving To Peachtree City Georgia

Government Structure:

Council/Manager form of government

(1 Mayor & 4 Council Members voted in at-large)


City Council

Peachtree City is one of only a few Cities (others are Alpharetta and Roswell) in Georgia with an "AAA" rating by Standard & Poors.

"Reasons" for getting an AAA rating include having a built out economy, very strong wealth & income levels, large & diverse property tax base, consistently positive operating results, moderate debt level, healthy reserves and strong financial management—among others.


Authorities are separate legal government agencies—they are appointed by the Mayor and City Council.

Airport Authority—5 member volunteer board and is a separate governmental agency—serve 5 year terms—they own and operate Falcon Field (Atlanta Regional Airport).

Development Authority—7 member volunteer board—serve 4 year terms—goal is to help create new and support existing businesses—may be eliminated in the future based on city council desires.

Water & Sewage Authority—5 member volunteer board—serve 5 year terms—WASA is a publicly owned utility charged with the collection and treatment of wastewater within the City of Peachtree City.

Public Facilities Authority—5 member board that includes several City Council members. This Authority was created to find cost effective ways (bonds, grants etc.) to improve infrastructure development within the City. 


Commissions advise the City Council and have no separate budget.

Recreation Commission—5 member volunteer board—serve 5 year terms—goal is to advise mayor and council on recreation needs.

Library Commission—5 member volunteer board—serve 3 year terms—goal is to advise mayor and council on library needs—may merge with another commission.

Tourism Association—7 member volunteer board—serve 3 year terms—goal is to promote tourism.

Planning Commission—5 member volunteer board—serve 3 year terms—goal is to advise mayor and council on zoning and annexation requests for the City. Review all conceptual and final plans for development in Peachtree City.

Utility Services in the Peachtree City Villages:

Coweta/Fayette EMC (Electrical Municipal Corporation): (Key Benefit: Reasonable rates and you can pay gas & electric with one check)!

Serve electric and gas needs in certain areas of Peachtree City, generally from McIntosh Trail to the south.

Fayette County Water

GA Power—Serve electrical needs of certain areas in Peachtree City. Generally from McIntosh Trail to the north.

You can choose from a number of gas providers in Georgia! Log on to (Georgia Public Service Commission) and choose the company that you prefer.

Cable TV:—You can choose from Dish, Direct TV, AT&T, Comcast, HughesNet and possibly others.

Mail: USPS, UPS, Fed Ex, DHL & Others

Garbage: CLM, Robertson, Environmental Partners, Allied Waste & Others

Landline Phone Companies: AT&T, Others

VOIP: Magic Jack, Vonage, Others

Cell Phone: Various Providers—You Choose

Choose the HVAC, Yard Maintenance, Pest Control, Carpet Cleaning and other service providers that you are comfortable with.

Use quality references to ensure that you are not taken advantage of and make sure that you are truly ready for the home ownership experience—as there are many costs associated with home ownership that you must be comfortable with.

As a homeowner you must look at all of the costs of home ownership—not just what is glamorized.

Home Ownership is a serious endeavor and should be approached in the right manner. 

Events in the Peachtree City Villages:

4th of July Parade & Fireworks

Shakerag Arts Festival (September)

Dragon Boat Race (September)

10K Road Race (October)

Air Show (October)

Chili Cook-off (October)


Bethlehem Baptist Church located in the Industrial Village (one of two historical buildings in Peachtree City—the other historical building is Holly Grove AME Church which is located in Braelinn Village). 


Fayette County Water System provides water to Peachtree City residents. Peachtree City Water & Sewage Authority (WASA) handles the Sewage for Peachtree City, however the billing is done through Fayette County Water.

WASA recently increased the sewage rate for Peachtree City residents and businesses—in many cases substantially—over 100%. Although I am not aware of all of the issues that created the need for this drastic increase it is my opinion that it could have been managed more effectively.

Because I am a former fee-only financial planner I would have expected a 5 member volunteer water authority to do a worst-case, middle-case, and best-case analysis on an annual basis—and based on the results—gradually increase the sewage rates over a number of years—as opposed to a drastic increase in just one year.

Doing that type of analysis on a short, intermediate and long-term basis would have eliminated the need for such a drastic increase—in my opinion.

However, the water rates are still relatively reasonable—when compared with other area metro counties and cities.

Hopefully, future water—and other city authorities—as well as other city agencies—will use a more forward thinking approach—and we will not have to revisit a similar scenario in the future.

Starrs Mill High School, Rising Star Middle School and People’s Elementary School are located in Fayette County "outside" of the city limits of Peachtree City. 

Even so—if you live or purchase in the southernmost areas of the City—your child may be zoned for one or more of those schools.

In particular—and generally speaking—if you live south of McIntosh Trail—there is a good chance that your child will be zoned for Rising Star Middle or Starr's Mill High.

Be sure to check with your agent if your goal is to purchase in Peachtree City and you want your child to attend Booth Middle or McIntosh High—both of which are located “within the city limits of Peachtree City.”

Also, if you live in—or are considering moving into Kedron Village—keep in mind that some subdivisions (such as Smokerise Plantation) are zoned for Bennett's Mill Middle School—which is also located outside of the Peachtree City—City Limits—in Fayette County.

If your goal is to ensure that your children attend Booth Middle School—which is located inside the city limits, be sure to check with your agent if you have a middle school preference.

NOTE: As of Summer 2013 a number of primary and middle schools closed—therefore rezoning occurred—check with your real estate agent to get the most up to date zoning information if you are considering moving to the Peachtree City/Fayette County area—as the above information may have changed—in certain areas of the City!

There are also a number of private schools in the area:


St. Paul Lutheran Church & School

Landmark Christian

High School:

Our Lady of Mercy High School (located in nearby Fairburn GA)

Landmark Christian High School (located in nearby Fairburn GA)

Woodward Academy (located in nearby College Park GA)

Nearby Newnan Area:

Heritage School (Grades 1-12)

Montessori (Toddler-Middle School)

Newnan Classical (kindergarten-9)

Newnan Christian School (K-4 to G-12)

Developmentally Challenged:

Bedford School (located in nearby Fairburn GA)

Joseph Sams School (located in nearby Fayetteville GA)

However, all of the Peachtree City schools are a good choice from an educational point of view as they are all highly rated.

To learn more about the schools in the area that you are considering click here. 

For demographic and other Peachtree City data that may be of interest to you click here. 

For more specific and timely Peachtree City information for those who are considering relocating to the Peachtree City or Atlanta area click here. 

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About This Article:


The above article about the Peachtree City Villages was written by Thomas (TJ) Underwood  who is a current resident of Peachtree City and has a real estate office located in Braelinn Village.

Thomas (TJ) Underwood is an active real estate broker in the state of Georgia and is the writer behind The Wealth Increaser, Home Buyer 411,  Home Seller 411, The 3 Step Structured Approach to Managing Your Finances, Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM and CREDIT & FINANCE IMPROVEMENT MADE EASY—FREE GUIDE. 

He is the creator of where he regularly blogs about helping consumers improve their credit, finance and real estate pursuits in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner.  He’s always looking for ways to make intelligent finance improvement happen for those who “sincerely desire” success in their future. 

You can contact him from a number of sources but the most direct way is to contact him through the contact us block that can be found at the bottom of this page. 

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Thomas (TJ) Underwood has been providing financial advice as a tax practitioner since the mid 1980’s and began his financial planning career (while earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration/Finance/Marketing), in Detroit at Wayne State University.  From 2010 up to the present he continues to provide visitors timely personal finance and wealth building advice and articles—including real estate advice—on 3 sites that he has created since 2010. 

Even though he is an active real estate Broker in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, he continues to blog consistently to help visitors and those who desire lasting financial and life changing success the opportunity to change their life for the better in a more efficient way. 

You can learn more about him and gain access to all three sites that he has created by going to Who is the creator of page.

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