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1-2-3 Credit & Me: Learn how you can Stabilize, Improve & Maintain your credit throughout your lifetime (Part of the Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books Book 6) by THOMAS (TJ) UNDERWOOD  | Sold by: Services LLC | Oct 19, 2020, updated Summer 2023

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Who is Thomas (TJ) Underwood

Thomas (TJ) Underwood is also the Content Writer for Realty 1 Strategic Advisors—and you can learn more about that site—by Clicking Here... was formed in 2010 by Thomas “TJ” Underwood who is the Broker/Owner of Peachtree City, Georgia based Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC. 

I started this website in an attempt to provide competent current real estate and finance advice to a broader number of people than I am able to reach through my company.

After providing solid advice to hundreds of clients over the past 20 years as a real estate professional and fee only financial plannerI have designed this site (with easy navigation) to assist not only Georgia residents, but residents throughout the U.S. and the World.

I am also a former Top Producing Small Business Administration (SBA) Loan Processor.

As consumers tighten their spending they are looking for advice that can assist them in their decision making and this site will help.

When using this site be sure to pay special attention if you see text that is in quotations, capitalized, or in bold!

Be sure to process, comprehend and get a good understanding of all data on this site—as we believe that this site is the most comprehensive and helpful website on the internet—that is geared towards consumers.

Again be sure to give special attention to information and advice that is in quotations, capitalized or in bold print.

By properly comprehending and utilizing the data appropriately you will gain key insights into the home buying and home selling process that will put you in a good buying and/or selling position and/or help you avoid a bad situation. 

Who is Thomas “TJ” Underwood?

I have been a practicing real estate agent in the State of Georgia since 1993.

I spent my first ten years with the Century 21 System and in 2002 formed Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC in order to better serve the Atlanta market.

As the Broker/Owner of the company I implemented new services that are not offered by other real estate offices and they have propelled my company over the past ten years to be very successful.

I received my undergraduate degree from Wayne State University in Marketing/Business Administration. I also completed the Financial Planner Program at Oglethorpe University and have operated as a fee only financial planner for over 20 years.

Over the past twenty years I have completed 100’s of continuing education courses in finance, insurance, taxes and real estate.

I Have also assisted hundreds of homebuyers, sellers and others seeking financial advice to help improve their life over the past 20 years.

In the same spirit this site is an attempt to empower the consumer and assist them in making wise home buying decisions. Please take your time and navigate this site and I am sure you will find valuable information.

If you have a specific question please contact me at and I will be sure to respond in a timely manner. 

Also, click here—to learn more about Thomas "TJ" Underwood. 

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Who Writes The Content For This Site?

Thomas (TJ) Underwood

As the content writer of I have spent many days and weeks compiling the information contained on this web site.

However it is important that you realize that real estate markets are local in nature and are in a constant state of change. The data is derived from a number of sources and should not be used for valuation of individual homes as your situation may be case specific.

I urge anyone who is considering buying or selling real estate in the Atlanta market to investigate into the marketplace independently.

As a user of this service you agree to release, it's owners, employees and affiliates from any and all liability and hold, it's owners, employees and affiliates harmless in relationship to information obtained from this web site. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS DO NOT USE THIS WEB SITE.


Terms of Use 

Why Did You Decide To Provide This Site? debuted on the Internet in 2010 to provide independent housing market advice for consumers so they could make better informed decisions when they decided to buy or sell properties in the Atlanta area or elsehere.

The goal is to maximize the purchasing and selling power of consumers to ensure that they receive adequate and fair representation when they buy or sell a home.

It is further beneficial to consumers in that those who want to learn and understand real estate concepts and ideas and want to buy or sell a home in the Atlanta area (and elsewhere)will be armed with useful and beneficial information that will assist them in making an informed and well advised decision.

As a Real Estate Broker/Owner I have been providing this service to metro Atlanta residents since 2002 and have been blessed with a rapidly growing business since that time. 

I felt it was time to reach a larger audience and help many potential homeowners and sellers since we are currently in an uncertain market and just went through a market that has been in many cases counterproductive to buyers and sellers.

I often give my personal take on not only the current market but what I think lies ahead. My goal is to gauge the direction of the Atlanta market as it relates to inflation or deflation in home values.

Furthermore, I attempt to give solid advice that will assist you in the buying or selling of your home based on practical experience and the best advice I can give based on personal as well as business experience. I will update information throughout the year as local market conditions change frequently.

I look at various factors of home buyers and sellers as well as local and national trends. On occasion I will look at investor, foreclosure, and commercial data and give commentary—where appropriate on what I think lies ahead. I will also give tips and advice to help you make solid decisions if you are considering those areas.

All of the information is gathered from many sources, including public county recorder offices, state agencies, federal agencies, multiple listing services, closing agents, attorney offices and others developed over the course of my research on an on-going daily basis.

Today is consulted by many of the nation's mortgage companies, real estate firms and most importantly consumers looking to buy and/or sell real estate in not only the Atlanta market but throughout the United States and abroad.

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A Message from the Broker/Owner of Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC

Everyday in America, there are mergers of companies. As an undergraduate in Business School I was taught that this was “economy of scale.” The more people and services a company puts under one umbrella, the greater the profits for that business.

The one factor this trend does not take into consideration, I believe, is the “human factor.” When a company gets too large, the “human factor” may suffer.

Independent Brokerage Companies, which I operate under, are smaller in size but are not bound by “corporate” headquarters nor do they look alike. Each company has its own operating philosophy. Each company has its own identity in terms of company name, logo, telephone systems, advertising, marketing, etc.

At Realty 1 Strategic Advisors our corporate philosophy is to provide real estate services beyond your expectation. We not only want you to own a home, but we want you to comfortably own your home. *Therefore as part of our services we offer the buyer or seller the option of having a professionally prepared personal cash flow, balance sheet, and income statement prepared absolutely free.

This exceptional service is offered because we at Realty 1 Strategic Advisors want your loyalty for life, and we want to ensure that you go into your home purchase or home sale with all of your pertinent financial data known upfront so that you can own your home and have peace of mind knowing you can meet your monthly housing costs—and if financial disaster was to strike---know the planning that you would need to ride out the disaster up front before it occurred.

This will increase the likelihood that homeowners will remain homeowners!

As a real estate professional with over 15 years in the industry I have personally seen many homeowners lose their home due to unforeseen circumstances and poor financial planning.

Our goal is simply to make our service to YOU, the consumer, better. As a buyer or seller, you get all the benefits of a large company with more individual attention to YOUR NEEDS.

Realty 1 Strategic Advisors represents the only company in the Metropolitan Atlanta area that offers in addition to traditional real estate services—*professional cash flow analysis on a before purchase and after purchase basis for homebuyers, and on a before sale and after sale basis for home sellers at no charge.

Prior to my brokerage activities I spent a number of years as a fee only financial planner and I bring the same professionalism and integrity that I displayed in that industry to the real estate industry.

Our motto, “The Company that REFERRALS built” is more than just words. It is indicative of how our company strives to service the Consumer in the Atlanta metropolitan area.

Want personal attention directly from the broker of the company you‘ve hired to represent you? Want your calls returned promptly? Want more than being another number?

Call Realty 1 Strategic Advisors to get started on a pleasant experience in buying or selling your property.

Call 770-719-4550 and ask for Thomas “TJ” Underwood or you can email me at

TJ Underwood is the Broker/Owner of Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC

*To obtain free personal cash flow (budget), balance sheet, and income statements as a complimentary service the potential home buyer(s) must be ready, willing, and able to purchase—and must enter into exclusive buyer brokerage representation with Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC.

*For home sellers to obtain free personal cash flow (budget), balance sheet, and income statements as a complimentary service—the home seller(s) must agree to list their property exclusively with Realty 1 Strategic Advisors, LLC.

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Thomas (TJ) Underwood has been providing financial advice as a tax practitioner since the mid 1980’s and began his financial planning career (while earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration/Finance/Marketing), in Detroit at Wayne State University.  From 2010 up to the present he continues to provide visitors timely personal finance and wealth building advice and articles—including real estate advice—on 3 sites that he has created since 2010. 

Even though he is an active real estate Broker in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, he continues to blog consistently to help visitors and those who desire lasting financial and life changing success the opportunity to change their life for the better in a more efficient way. 

You can learn more about him and gain access to all three sites that he has created by going to Who is the creator of page.

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