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What Is The Fredrick Brown Jr. Amphitheater?
It is an outdoor amphitheater that seats approximately 2,500 and is the major concert venue in Peachtree City. It is owned and operated by the City of Peachtree City.
Local residents often refer to it as "The Fred" and it is an outdoor amphitheater named in honor of former Peachtree City mayor and community favorite Fredrick Brown Jr.
"The Fred" features a summer concert
series that include national and international singing stars as well as many
past and present music legends. It is located in the Greater Atlanta Metropolitan Area.
The amphitheater also feature summer movies and theatrical productions and "The Fred" is a community favorite for those who live in Peachtree City.
Fredrick Brown, Jr, Amphitheater
201 McIntosh Trail
Peachtree City 30269
PHONE: (770) 631-0630
Box Office Hours—Monday—Friday—9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
From Atlanta Area take Interstate 85 South to left on exit 61 (Highway 74)—take Hwy. 74 south for approximately 10 miles (look for signs)—make a left on Kelly Drive—The Fred is less than a half mile on your right.
From Newnan Area take Interstate 85 South to exit 47 (Highway 34)—take Hwy. 34 east (changes into highway 54 east) for approximately 10 miles and make a right on Highway 74—go approximately one mile (look for signs)—make a left on Kelly Drive—The Fred is less than a half mile on your right.
Fredrick Brown Jr. is the former mayor and resident of Peachtree City since 1973 and he is still alive. He was the mayor of Peachtree City from 1982 until 1992.
He was also a pilot for the U.S. Navy and served in World War II. He has flown DC-6 aircraft all over the world.
During his tenure as mayor of Peachtree City, he had many accomplishments including constructing the first city owned building, the public works building, the library and the former city hall building.
Outside of his mayoral activities he was also a champion for many causes and fundraisers such as the Fayette County Heart Association and The Alzheimer’s Memory Walk to name a few.
He is a Peachtree City Pioneer (moved to Peachtree City when the City was young and facing an uncertain future) and he has a history of giving back.
According to many he was well liked and respected but had no knowledge the theater would be named after him.
He was surprised and even flattered when the committee named the amphitheater after him. According to many he had a great respect for the Peachtree City community and still does.
In March of 2011 he stated that he was astonished with the growth that has occurred since he moved to Peachtree City back in 1973.
He also stated that he was very proud to have served
the Peachtree City community. Fredrick Brown Jr. is originally from Birmingham,
Alabama, however he continues to live in Peachtree City and call it home.
Fredrick Brown, Jr, Amphitheater
201 McIntosh Trail
Peachtree City 30269
(770) 631-0630
You can log on to www.amphitheater.org to learn more about the summer concert series and other acts at "The Fred" that could possibly be of interest to you and your family.
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Thomas (TJ) Underwood has been providing financial advice as a tax practitioner since the mid 1980’s and began his financial planning career (while earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration/Finance/Marketing), in Detroit at Wayne State University. From 2010 up to the present he continues to provide visitors timely personal finance and wealth building advice and articles—including real estate advice—on 3 sites that he has created since 2010.
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